If your student loans are serviced by Great Lakes, a class action lawsuit might affect your rights.

A student loan borrower has sued Great Lakes Educational Loan Services, Inc., Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation, and three of Great Lakes’ current and former executive officers (together, “Great Lakes”).  The suit alleges that Great Lakes unlawfully increased the principal and interest balances on borrowers’ student loans after an administrative forbearance period.

The Court has not yet decided whether Great Lakes did anything wrong. There is no money available now, and no guarantee that there will be.

For more details on the terms of tthis matter, please see the Frequently Asked Questions page or the Case Documents.

Your legal rights are affected whether you act, or do not act. Read this Notice carefully.



Stay in this lawsuit. Await the outcome. Give up certain rights.
By doing nothing, you keep the possibility of getting money or benefits that may come from a trial or a settlement. But, you give up any rights to sue Great Lakes separately about the same legal claims in this lawsuit.


Get out of this lawsuit. Get no benefits from it. Keep rights.
If you ask to be excluded and money or benefits are later awarded, you won’t share in those. But, you keep any rights to sue Great Lakes separately about the same legal claims in this lawsuit.

Your options are explained in the Notice. To ask to be excluded, you must act before January 31, 2020.

Visit the Case Documents page, where you will find the Court’s order certifying the class, the complaint that the Plaintiff submitted, the Defendants’ answer, as well as an Exclusion Request form. You may also speak to one of the lawyers whose contact information can be found in the Notice or on the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Please do not contact the Court.